World Art Day

Deurali Foundation Kathmandu:

Art has the power to not only bring beauty and light into a world that can often be dark, but it also can make a difference by giving a voice to political movements and social change. World Art Day is here to show appreciation for and celebrate those who have made art contributions to the world, as well as the everyday artist that can be alive in all humans!

History of World Art Day

The background of World Art Day can be traced back to its founding organization, the International Association of Art (IAA), which began in 1954. The IAA got its start as a partnership agency through the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the purpose of learning about artistic freedoms as well as associating artists together with UNESCO’s work.

The first World Art Day was celebrated in 2012 when it was started by the IAA with the idea of promoting awareness about creative activity all over the globe. The idea for the day was approved by more than 150 artists as well as all of the national committees of the IAA organization. And because of this connection, World Art Day continues to be supported and promoted by UNESCO.

World Art Day seeks to raise awareness about and honor the contributions that various artists have made throughout the world, while promoting the importance of art in the lives of each and every human. In addition, the organizers of the day hope that it will pique interest about the importance of art, encouraging art education as a path toward inclusive and equitable education.

The planet is filled with amazing humans who have created and will continue to create all sorts of incredible works of art. World Art Day is here to showcase that art, show appreciation for it, and encourage others to get involved with creating it!

World Art Day Timeline
The Mona Lisa is painted

Leonardo da Vinci is living in Florence, Italy, where he creates this famous painting that now hangs in the Louvre Museum in Paris.[1]


Rembrandt creates his first painting

The famous portrait painter finishes his first paintings while he is still a teenager.[2]


Seurat finishes his important work

The founder of pointillism, French artist Georges Seurat finishes his neo-impressionist work, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.[3]


Banksy begins graffiti art in England

The mysterious artist known as Banksy begins their anonymous graffiti art work starting in Bristol.[4]


Inaugural World Art Day is celebrated

The International Association of Art establishes World Art Day to celebrate the diversity and the role that art plays in the lives of humans and culture.[5]
